Volunteer Fairfax has been activated by the Fairfax County Emergency Operations Center to support the COVID-19 response by working with the Volunteer and Donations Management Team.
Many in our community are looking for ways to give back and support others during this time of need. There is an overall need for PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for Healthcare Systems, Long-term Care facilities and County Essential Services (Mental Health Services, Group Homes for disabled, Meals on Wheels Delivery, Refuse collection, etc.).
Volunteer Fairfax is spearheading a Donation Collection Facility at the American Legion with the help of Fairfax County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Volunteers led by Paula Rosca, MRC Program Coordinator. Donations are being accepted at the American Legion Warehouse located at 3939 Oak Street in Fairfax, VA 22030; Monday through Friday from 9am to 4pm.
The following items are being accepted:
- N95 masks
- Surgical masks
- Medical gowns
- Commercially-produced face shields
- Cleaning supplies
- Gloves
- Homemade face shields
- Diapers
- Paper Towels
- Wipes
- Baby Formula
- 3D Printed Masks
Visit the Fairfax COVID Resource page to learn more about how you can assist. To find other ways to support the community during this time of need click on the links below:
Also, if you know of an organization that has volunteer opportunities or donation needs during this time, please have them complete this brief survey so Volunteer Fairfax can promote these opportunities to the greater public.
Our sincere thanks to all who are supporting our community during this time!