
Court Appointed Volunteerism at Its Best

Alternative Community Service (ACS) is an option that enables court-referred and pre-trial (attorney referred or recommended) clients to perform community service in lieu of a fine or jail term and to enhance their reputation with the Court. We actively work alongside probation officers, attorneys, and court officials to provide the best possible service to achieve a successful outcome for the client.

How to Get Started

Interested individuals should send an email to ACS with the following information:

  • Name
  • Full Mailing Address
  • Phone Number
  • Birthdate
  • Availability to volunteer (i.e. weekends, evenings, daytime, etc.)
  • Court date or date hours are due
  • Court system (i.e. Fairfax County General District, etc.)
  • Charge
  • Number of hours needed
  • Name and email address of the person to whom hours need to be reported upon completion
  • Information regarding referring source (are the hours ordered by the court, recommended by an attorney – pretrial, or the result of an attorney agreement)

Please note: We do not accept clients who are under 18 years of age or who have a violent/assault charge. This is also a fee for service program, so to be fully accepted into the program you will need to pay a one-time administrative fee of $125 plus a $5 processing fee.

ACS staff will determine if this program can support you in completing service related to a court case. Once the information is submitted you will hear from a staff member within 3 business days.  ACS staff will be in touch to determine based on your location, availability, and personal needs in a community service placement and to process the administrative fee for this service. You will then receive your community service placement and begin completing your service.

Click here to email ACS.